Wednesday, February 21, 2007

alright, alright already.

okay, so emily gave me shit for not updating my blog since, oh, i don't know... july? maybe it's because i feel i have no real gems of wisdom to pass on to the three people or so who read this. or, maybe it's because i forgot my password for about six months and couldn't actually get in to my blog and considered starting a new one rather than continuing to fuck with it.

but, i perservered, and now here we are. so let's see...

well, i've pretty much mutilated my finger nails while i wait to hear back from post-bacc pre-med programs. because let's just get it out in the open. if you can't admit in a public forum, where can you? i'm terrified that i'm not going to get in this year (i could really only afford to apply to five schools between act scores ($112), application fees ($300 +) and transcripts ($70).)
so, basically, i'm an emotional wreck right now. because i'm going to freak out if i don't get to go to school this fall and i'm living in eau claire and working some shit-ass job that's more annoying than my job in chicago and pays half as much. if iDO get in, then i would like to say that i spent the year enjoying time with my family and getting a break from the stress of the big city. so, see? it really all depends on my mood at this point.

and i'm waiting for a tripod to support my big-ass camera, so i'm unable to take pictures right now. but, i will post a picture that i found recently while digging through my old negs that i took of lindsey in like, 2002 and another of my friends gabe and lindsay with an "a".


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