Tuesday, November 27, 2007

my program is a cult.

my classmates are so great. they're a great support system, they're great to study with and more importantly, they're a blast to hang out with...

i promise, we're really studying a lot.

loving the bay...

so, i haven't blogged in quite a while.. i'll try to catch up. might as well pick up in october or so.

it's been a long time since i had a party for my birthday -- it's been at bars for quite a few years, and so this time i decided to throw it at my house. it's plenty big, and that way we could make food.

well, good i head in theory. and it was TONS of fun, but such a mess! and my poor roommates... i was heading to sacramento the next morning and left them with the ugliest mess there ever was. but i'm pretty sure everyone enjoyed themselves. new friends mixed with old and everyone got drunk. sign of a good party.