Tuesday, December 25, 2007

a very Bakke/Bauer christmas

so, despite the fact that i did NOT attend high school in stillwater, i am still allowed at the annual christmas reunion at angie's parents' house. which is very handy, because i get to see some of my favorite people all in one holiday extravaganza, complete with beef sausage, spreadable cheese, karaoke and other midwestern favorites. not only that, but everytime i sleep at a bakke household, i have the pleasure of sleeping on some of the world's best air mattresses. that family seems to top themselves every time i sleep over, and this year was no exception.

plus, i even managed to make it to stillwater without dying, even though there had been a massive blizzard and it was CRAZY windy. i swung by the bauers' and picked up emily and lucy and then we began the trek out to the middle of nowhere to casa de bakke.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

california drivers suck.

okay, here's the thing. i KNOW i bitch non-stop about how shitty the drivers are in this sunny state. but seriously. i bought a new car about six weeks ago.

and it has been hit THREE times. THREE. WHILE PARKED.

i was picking lydia up in the mission about three weeks ago, and she went to get in the passenger side and the door only opened halfway. turns out some asshole hit me in my school parking lot and didn't leave a note. and i don't have collision insurance, because i'm a poor bastard and can't afford it.

someone swiped the front bumper a week later, scraping paint off.

and last night, i leave marisa's house at eleven-thirty or so and go to open my driver's side door and it snaps back shut! because someone hit me in the SAME spot that the passenger side was hit, and now BOTH doors barely open. at least this time i got a note. actually, i got TWO notes. one from someone saying they watched someone hit my car and speed away and left me their license plate. (i can only assume this sweet, wonderful soul has been hit and no one left THEM a note, and they feel my pain. and they live in CA, so the chances are pretty high i'm right)

the person who hit me ALSO returned and left a note. either they felt guilty or just realized someone might have seen them, but all i can say is, debby better have insurance.

on the plus side, lindsey comes tomorrow! yay! i'm so excited!