Monday, February 11, 2008

be kind, please unwind.

it was megan's birthday on sunday, and to celebrate her 29th year, emily, noelle, jess, megan and i went to kabuki spa for a morning to relax and unwind. the main attraction of kabuki is their communal baths. we spent over two hours relaxing in the sauna, steam room, hot bath and cold plunge.

the sore neck i'd been battling for days disappeared, and we then lunched on soba and sushi and took a nap before people dropped by our house to celebrate with good food, a cake and wine.

a weekend of sunshine.

the weekend before school started, frances, marisa, john and i packed up the car and dorjee and headed for pt. reyes for a picnic. needless to say, the weather was outstanding and the day was perfection. after eating quiche, fresh fruit, pumpkin-cheescake cupcakes and drinking a bottle of wine, we hung out in the surf and soaked up the sun. on the way home, we stopped at an oyster farm and had the freshest oysters i've ever encountered...and people wonder why i love it here.

apparently i don't look like anyone...

...because these are not true at all.